

Every Child Can Excel

Wycombe Abbey School Hong Kong is the premier British preparatory school in Hong Kong, offering a private UK curriculum to preparatory school aged children 5 – 13 years old.  At our beautiful, co-educational preparatory school on Hong Kong Island we provide an English holistic educational model, using the National Curriculum for England and Wales as a foundation, which is complemented by an exciting extracurricular activities programme as part of our normal school day.  We also offer an exceptional Chinese language and culture curriculum. 

We emphasize our commitment to a broad and international school education including fourteen primary subjects, complemented by learning outside of the conventional classroom setting.  Our teaching methods, experience and heritage enables us to offer a preparatory school education for each individual pupil that balances academic rigour with an integrated focus on mental and physical well-being.

Headteacher's Welcome

I am delighted to welcome you to Wycombe Abbey School here in the culturally vibrant and diverse international city of Hong Kong.
As a British preparatory school in Hong Kong, we are preparing our children for the finest secondary schools and universities in the world.


Our beautiful school campus is open to all visitors throughout the year.  I look forward to meeting you in person here at Wycombe Abbey School Hong Kong to discuss your child's education career.

Yours sincerely,

Howard Tuckett
Headteacher, Wycombe Abbey School Hong Kong


We emphasize our commitment to a broad and international school education including fourteen primary subjects complemented by learning outside of the conventional classroom setting.  Our teaching methods, experience and heritage enable us to offer a British preparatory school education for each individual pupil that balances academic rigour with an integrated focus on mental and physical well-being.

Wycombe Abbey School is internationally recognised as a world leader in education.  It is consistently ranked as one of the very top schools in the annual UK schools academic league tables for private schools.

Wycombe Abbey proudly upholds its reputation for consistent academic excellence through a holistic pedagogic approach that focuses on the whole child.




威雅常州于2016年開辦(bàn),是一所提供英制寄宿和走讀的男女混校,為(wèi)3-18歲的中(zhōng)外籍學(xué)生提供一貫 制國(guó)際化教育。學(xué)校秉承全人教育理(lǐ)念,在追求卓越學(xué)術的基礎上,也注重學(xué)生的人格培養和全面發展,目前在校學(xué)生約1300名(míng)。








威雅杭州是一所為(wèi)3-18歲 中(zhōng)外籍學(xué)生提供英制寄宿和走讀的男女混校,将于2021年9月開學(xué)。學(xué)校位于杭州蕭山(shān)區(qū)仙女湖(hú)畔,占地231畝,配備了流先進的校園設施,利用(yòng)優越的地理(lǐ)環境,提供獨具(jù)特色、注重學(xué)術的雙語教學(xué)。
